Being an actor means that, whether it’s on a film set or a theatre stage, you’ll have to do your job in front of many people. You need the ability to concentration and continuously remaining focused, in character, no matter what. If that is you, then you are a step ahead of many others already.
Acting is a daunting but highly satisfying, and most importantly, enjoyable career option. Many people dream of being actors and joining the Bollywood A-lister elite, but the road is not for all.
A right of passage as a child is the use of your imagination. Acting is the perfect way to learn about your thoughts, impulses, and gestures. If you’re an outgoing kid, then you’ve probably been told to become an actor. But what, if you’re shy or quiet, is it right for you to act?
They are also encouraged to take part in school development, playing or music as children grow up. A good thing to try is acting. If you are an ebullient kid, a great outlet is outgoing, social, acting. You could hear “you are a natural-born actor.” But you may have heard “Why don’t you take an acting class?” if you were shy or more reserved. These can be encounters that mark you and give you the taste of becoming an actor, which will help you be more relaxed in front of people.
You thought that you were heard, validated, exalted. You may have been hooked by the acting bug right then and there and said, “I want to be an actor when I grow up,” but how do you know if you really want to pursue a career in acting?
Being an actor might seem convenient, but it isn’t. You’re going to have to represent multiple characters that are steering away from who you really are. Not many who try it excel, because it’s a challenging career. There is a built-in dilemma as an actor: the proportion of time spent actually working versus spent preparing for that work is quite lopsided. Years and years of preparation, listening, and witnessing the unavoidable career-related emotional ups and downs are compensated with fractional and disproportionate rewards. That is to say, you plan a lot for a little success. In addition, the time spent in training and planning can be fraught with its own collection of difficulties.
So what are the chances that tomorrow you will become a great star? To begin with, if you analyze yourself, it could be useful. There are those who are born to act and there are others who are not really blessed with it. Hence, if the signs of a born actor are present in you, it will be beneficial.